Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Police Heritage Centre

Evolvement of Police

From the pre 1819 Singapore, the role of the police in Singapore has evolved and become of utmost importance for the security of our nation. Its contributions to nation building are also crucial to establish a relationship between the community and the police. The three concepts of peace, safety and security are evident through the establishment of a police force in Singapore.

Early Years (1800s)
With trade and immigration, there is a need for law and order. In 1819, the first police district was found in the Temmenggong district. The 1820s – 40s saw the threat of the secret societies. Thomas Dunman was appointed the first commissioner of Singapore.

The first Police headquarters was located in 1905 at South Bridge Road. Technology was developing in terms of criminal investigation. Riots was a main problem to the nation. But there was a bigger problem arising from the horizon in the form of the Japanese invasion.

Post War (1948)
There was a need to re-establish the police force in light of the brutal Japanese Occupation and the return of the British to rule once again. Singapore had realized that it needed to be dependent on itself and security was an important issue. Riots posed by threats from communists, political activists, racial tension and secret societies became major problems.

Independency and Modernizing the Force (1965 onwards)
Singapore had to stand on its own and took great efforts to safeguard itself and the people. It was integrated into Interpol in 1968. Full time police national service was in place and the police began to modernize its force to keep up with the technological advancements in time.

Final Thoughts
The Police Heritage Centre played a crucial role in nation building where it raises awareness of the importance of the police force to the public. The artefacts showed the evolvement of the police force in Singapore over the years that have taken great efforts to safeguard our nation to its very best abilities. From the names of the great police figures to the different weapons and uniforms, we can see that no matter how the police has changed in terms of its outlook, personnel and equipments, peace, security and safety in Singapore will never change.